Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Word About Sensory Bottles

A Word About Sensory Bottles

As the former director of a childcare center and current stay at home mom I can not stress intentional teaching enough. Every activity should have a purpose. Even if it is sitting on the floor playing with cars, you are still teaching social skills, small motor, communication......

Many preschools/childcare centers require you to create different activities to add to your room. A great and easy way to do this is with Sensory Bottles. Basically used, clean, empty bottles with stuff in them.

But why? Why would your children want to play with these, what do they add to your child's learning?


Here is one example: My little guy loves to get into the beads. But he is 20 months, so pretty So I filled a bottle with beads and water (with a drop of bleach), sealed the top and now he can play with

Does your child like to make noise?
Bottles filled with beans, beads

Does your child like to explore outside?
Leaves, mulch, flowers

Think outside the box-and think about what kind of bottles your child will enjoy!

It is on the way....100 sensory bottle ideas for INTENTIONAL teaching

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