Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Elf House

 The Elf House

So, if you have ever been on Pinterest you have probably seen super cute elf or fairy homes....made by adults. We decided to do this-but in true kid style. This activity TOOK OVER  A YEAR- but that is only because we grew our own gourds.

First we grew, waited, waited, and waited for our bird house gourds to dry out. After a year they were bone dry and although many were brittle or rotted, we had about 20 good ones. Ty picked out his favorite and painted it. First though I drilled a hole in it. We spray painted it white and then let him decorate it. Then I clear coated the outside, and the inside, to the best of my abilities.

 After painting we set it up in an empty pot and I let him add any decorations he wanted. That is a live plant we transplanted, Popsicle sticks, tongue depressors and marbles. We also planted flax in the left garden behind the house. Flax grows into a lovely plant with blue flowers. It also sprouts and grows a substantial amount in a few days.

The other fun part of this project is that the "elves" often move their marbles around-or rather grandma does when she visits ;) 

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