Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Trains, Trains, Trains!

Trains, Trains, Trains!

 The past few days we explored trains. Gav is a little train obsessed at this point, so we created our own trains and did a lot of pretending.

To start: Box Train

3 boxes-2 shoe boxes, and a larger one, hooked together with yarn. 
We filled them with animals, and the front one was large enough for Gav to climb in!

Car train
For this we just used cars we had and saw how many we could push in a line! 
I first had everyone guess how many they could push, which we wrote down, and then we experimented and counted our cars. 

Small motor: A simple coloring page I created. It had numbered train cars, and we talked about tracks and maps. 

One Project: Three Kinds of Art
Bingo marker engin

Sticker car

Mosaic car

One project!

We also did a Conga line  train, called the mommy train, but I could not get a picture of it ;)

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