Thursday, May 16, 2013

20 Ways to strengthen your preschooler's hand muscles and improve handwriting

20 Ways to strengthen your preschooler's hand muscles and improve handwriting

So DS1 is 4, and he can write, but his writing is shaky and his hands get tired easy. So I have been on a kick of giving him hand excersizes. However, as you know if you have kids, you can't tell them what they are doing is good for him so.....

  1. Squirt bottle-We bought a cheap spray bottle and have him squirt anything he wants. Mostly he squirts bugs outside
  2. Clothes pins-Different activities like the one below, or just putting them on our clothing and taking them off  
  3. Mazes-Ty loves mazes-it gets him to practice holding a pencil, coordination, and continued grip all at one time
  4. Coloring (he really hates this one, but we make gifts for people)-Crayola has a great feature on their website where you can take a family photo and make it into a coloring page (you can find a code online for free)
  5. Trace the line-I draw highlighter lines and have them trace them
  6. Water toys-....ok SQUIRT GUNS....but we call them water toys
  7. Rubber ducks-the kinds with holes. Like the thing above, but way more fun if a duck looks like it is peeing
  8. Play dough- Many ways to help hands with this one. Rolling pins, cutting, squishing, rolling, flattening...
  9. Rubber bands-on a geo board or just stretching them over things
  10. Nails and a hammer-a real hammer, with REAL nails
  11. Coloring/writing laying down-helps upper body strength and uses different muscles
  12. Nerf Balls-gripping and throwing
  13. Sorting money-we have money sorters and DS1 loves money...small movements over and over
  14. Tearing paper-magazines are our favorite, we then make funny pictures out of what we tear out. If you use cereal boxes you can make "puzzles" where they have to fit them back together
  15. Tug of war-mostly he plays with the dog
  16. Hole punch-crafts mostly-using the dots, or punching out holes. I occasionally make a diagram and when he punches the holes it makes a picture
  17. Cutting-Test the kid's sisors before you give them to your kid.
  18. Tweezers/Chopsticks (starter chopsticks)-use them to pick up a variety of materials
  19. Eyedroppers-Can use with projects like these.
  20. Legos- What kid does not like LEGOs?

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