Monday, May 6, 2013

Trucks in the Garden

Trucks in the Garden

So I garden, A LOT. I have 18 beds approximately 10x5. I grow a ton of food and preserve most of what we don't eat right away, and the rest of it we give away. But more of that to come.

In the spring we spend many hours in the garden and although the kids do help plant and pull weeds, I try to find other activities for them to do so they do not get bored.

While the deer fence keeps them in the garden, it also makes it so I have to bring everything out to with us, water, toys, gardening stuff, and with a toddler that is not the easiest task. So, i load Gav and everything else into a wheel barrow and drive them out.

After we settled in the garden I pull out their toys. Today it was trucks-diggers, a big dump truck, as well as the small shovels and rakes for them to use.

Ty looked for potato bugs to give rides and Gav dug in the dirt before helping me cover up the potatoes.

Really, if it is not a cloth toy, bring it out to the garden. You can always wash them down after and it makes outside time a little more fun!

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