Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sidewalk Painting

Sidewalk Painting
First nice day of spring and we wanted to spend allllllll day outside. One of the activities I thought up on the spot was one that kept appearing on my Pinterest board-sidewalk paint. This easy paint was made out of cornstarch, water and food coloring. Both of the boys enjoyed it, although Ty enjoyed splatter painting and it was hard to make pictures on our 5 squares of sidewalk that connect the deck to the garage. We also tried the paint on some trees-which was fun but did not work that well.

        2c cornstarch
        Food color

        Mix cornstarch and water until you get a paint like consistency
        Mix in food coloring until you get colors you like
        I put it in muffin tins in order to take outside
        Paint to your heart's content
        Don't worry it washes off in the rain

Painting, science, color mixing, creativity, small motor

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