Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Out Tour of the Preservation Parks of Delaware County: Trip 1: Blue's Creek Preserve

Out Tour of the Preservation Parks of Delaware County:

Trip 1: Blue's Creek Preserve
A little about our trips: We are going to hit all the Preservation Parks this summer as well as some of the parks in the area that have had funds donated by the PP system. I love parks, and so do the kids, and this is something we decided to all do together (kids and I, SJ can come if he wants-but we usually go during the week for something to do). This is not really trip 1, we go here all the time-it is less than 15min from our house, and is really beautiful.
Looking at animal prints

Trails: This park-Blue's Creek Preserve (link at the bottom for history and information) is a nice sized park that backs up to a housing development. If you take any of the south trails, you will probably hear traffic and see some houses, but for the most part you are walking in the woods, by wetlands (small area), or on a plain. As with all the parks, the trails are marvelously maintained. We went this time when it was a little muddy-but you could walk around all major puddles. I will warn you-if you are not on a paved or gravel path the entire time-make sure you check for ticks when you get home. Although the grass paths are cut short-I discovered a few ticks on our clothing and legs.
Wetlands: There is a turtle and a blue heron you can't see in this picture.

Shelters-Wonderful-there are two nice sized picnic shelters and a bathroom with composting toilet (not the stinky kind). We ate in one of the shelters, by a pond, and enjoyed watching the birds.

Playground-I know we have a play structure in our back yard, but I love taking the kids to other playgrounds. This one is AWESOME for younger kids. There are two areas, one for little dudes with dinosaurs-and another play structure for older children with slides and such. Some of the mulch has washed away some so you may need to help really little kids up onto the dinosaurs.

Favorite things at the park: Kids LOVE the "mosquito" bridge-a nice bridge spanning a creek-if you go in the summer bring the bug repellant. I enjoy the provided wildflower and bird scavenger hunts that you can pick up at the beginning of the paths, as well as the number of paths in the park. You can get a decent walk in if you chose your path wisely. If you let your 4yo pick the path though-you will travel in circles until he sits down and refuses to get up. 

 Look at this LAZY BABY! Not only do I carry him around the walking trails in the ERGO (GET ONE) but he can't stay awake! Hahaha :)

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