Friday, May 3, 2013

Thank you Intuit for not calling the police

Thank you Intuit for not calling the police

People in customer service must hear a lot of background noise. I have never worked in customer service, so I am sure that my children screaming like fishwives (google auto fill....not the word I was looking for), scratch that, like they are being attacked by a raptor, would feel obligated to call someone. However, thankfully, they did not. 

Calling Intuit for help is the last resort for anyone who works with Quickbooks. If they can't help you with the online service chat, you are screwed. So when our first set of funds disapeared from our account, and no one could help me, I FREAKED OUT. 

As soon as the online person, "Jenny" or something, told me I had to call in, They.Closed. CLOSED for the evening. MOFO-they are in India....seriously, just answer my question.

Anyway, I called the second they opened in the morning and this was the conversation (minus all the boring business part)

CS: Is everything ok?

Me: Yes

CS: Do you need to help someone? I hear someone is upset. Is that screaming?

Me: Don't worry.

CS: No really, is someone hurt?

Me: No, my toddler is swimming in a pile of blocks and thinks he is stuck


Me: No really, he is out now it is ok. He just needs to calm down. 

A few moments later-
CS: Is everything ok now? Do you want to call back?

Me: No it is fine. They are just playing

CS: You can call back later

Me: No, really, I waited 30min to talk to you and I called when you opened

CS: Do you want me to hold?

Me: No really, they are just throwing breakfast at the dogs-they are screaming now because they are happy

CS:...........ok.........if you need to call back you can.......

 At this point I shut it down and demanded to know where my $$$ was. If you get me upset on the phone, watch out. Ask the ProCare guy. I think I made him cry once. 

Anyway, Customer Service- I am glad you care, but they are kids. 

Turned out everything is fine and the funds are floating somewhere above the earth in some type of magical system. 

I wish I could tell you it looked like this-but in reality there were about 6 of the really big Lego blocks on the ground and he was laying in the middle of them.

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