Saturday, May 4, 2013

Weekend Work "FUN"

Weekend Work "FUN"

I am not going to talk about clients here. That is for my business partner as my husband (sorry SJ), however today I learned something.

For some clients, you can go above and beyond and they will thank you for doing a great job. You can show up early on a Saturday morning, find out that their computer system is completely trashed, spend the next 2.5 hours fixing everything, but not doing what you came to do, and they thank you.

I don't need thanks, however, it is nice to hear. It is also nice to rack up 2.5 billable hours knowing that I will go back in a few weeks to do the job I should have done today.

There are other clients will never stop demanding. They are my toddler. They scream when everything is fine, they refuse-no strike that-they CAN'T look past their needs, and they always demand more.

They are toddlers.

The question for a new company becomes, do you keep the toddler clients or do you move on? Our current approach is that we set limits, like we would do with a child. Maybe we are doing this because of our background, however my partner and I have decided to shut it down. Stop bending, stop explaining and say "this is what you agreed to."

We shall see if it works.

In other news....this is me at my meeting this morning when I discovered endless problems with a client's system:

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