Friday, May 3, 2013

Welcome Spring Projects!

Welcome Spring Projects!

Coloring rainbows!
Easy and simple. For Gav's I just cut out a rainbow shape and let him color to his heart's content. Even if he can not follow lines or do a perfect job, the small motor skills he builds by playing with crayons and markers is important. Mostly though he works on not eating the writing utensils and putting caps on markers, then taking them off, then putting them on again, then.....
Ty worked on color words. I gave him each color and helped him pick the right ones. Ty has "special eyes" Meaning he is color blind. Even though he does not get the colors right all the time we still work on learning the words. Someday soon he will be able to read the word on the marker or crayon to be able to color the right color.

Water color Batik eggs
Fun activity-however only Gav got to participate as someone else had a meltdown and needed some quiet time during this activity. First I helped Gav color on his egg with white crayon. We then water colored the entire egg. It was nice to hang in the window!

Shape Eggs
More spring activities! For this one Ty and I cut out shapes. We named the shapes and colors and then glued them to the eggs. For Gav I covered his egg in glue and let him stick the shapes on. This is one of Gav's favorite activities-putting paper on pre-glued items

Marbled Shaving Cream Shamrocks
The kids love to play in shaving cream. First I filled cookie sheets with shaving gel and let them swoosh, write, draw, and smash the shaving cream until they were done playing. We then added a few drops of food coloring and stirred it around with a skewer. After it looked nice and marble we laid down shamrocks cut out of computer paper and pushed them down. After lifting them up carefully and letting them dry there made a nice pretty effect. 

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