Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pony Bead Sun Catchers

Mother's Day Craft
I have seen these all over Pinterest-thought about making them, decided against it...but I ran out of ideas for Mother's Day-so here we go-here are my tips to the craft you have now seen a thousand times.

Pony Bead Sun Catchers
First- If you look around for these on google you will find that everyone lays the beads down the same way-don't. Your 4yo will freak out that you have changed his design-which is really just him throwing beads in a cup.
Second-really don't worry about using your cookware. They pop out as soon as they are cool
Third-everyone making these complained about the smell-I did open one window, however we smelled nothing. Maybe the beads I got at the dollar store were superior to theirs-ha, I win.
Fourth-really don't try to make designs. It ruins the fun. Maybe if you had a 12 year old it would work, but really just let the kids play with the beads....however that ends when your 19mo throws a handful of beads across the room (brining up a ptsd moment from childhood) ending the fun and starting a "scavenger hunt" for the lost beads-which was also fun.
Last-I want to try, because I am this cool, to make a really, really thick one-fill up an entire pie plate. I don't know why, I just do. However I am afraid I will catch the house on fire, so I need another adult to be here.
1.       Fill up the bottom of muffin cups with clear plastic pony beads-we did not try any other type, although we are going to.
2.       Heat oven to 400 and cook them for at least 20min-ours took more like 40 though. If you leave them longer they are smoother
3.       let cool
4.       Make husband drill holes in them (I realize I know how to use a drill, however I just did not want to do it
5.       Hang someway-we used fishing line and I made free hand wire hangers
6.       Give them to grandmothers and wait for them to squee

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