Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Spider Week

Spider Week

Spider Webs and Spiders

These fun webs were made out of plastic plates with ridges cut around the sides and the middle cut out. We took EYELASH, yes EYELASH yarn (it's EYELASH) and strung it around the web-I was out of normal black yarn and Ty did not want to use string. The spiders-and other animals we made-are made out of Shrinky Dinks. If you don't know what a Shrinky Dink is-look it up, because part of your childhood was deprived. The 3-D effect was made by bending them right when they came out of the toaster oven. (I have fingers of iron-but you should probably use something to help you bend them).

Glue Spider Webs
You may want to look up how these should look-because that.will.never.happen. However, even though they don't look like the neat ones on the internet, they are fun and a good sensory experience. Elmer's clue on paper-was too hard for the kids to squeeze, so they guided my hands. After they dried we decided to dress them up with a little chalk-it made them look "spooky"

Sticky Spider Web Toss
What a wonderful game we found on Pinterest! It is a sticky spider web made out of masking tape (all the sticky sides point one way), strung in a door way. We made "bugs" out of masking tape and the boys threw them until they stuck. It took a few tries, and the bugs stuck better where the web was closer together, and it was TONS OF FUN
After they stuck all the bugs in the web Ty pulled down the web and made "spider" catchers out of tape balls.

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