Thursday, May 2, 2013

Kool Aid Painting

Kool Aid Painting
(aka: Kroger brand juice mix painting)
This was an activity I did all the time as a teacher-painting with Koolaid. I am however waaaaay too cheap to buy real Koolaid so I saved a whole $0.12 a package (it was on sale).  The kids loved to paint with it, smell the colors as they dried (they still smell over a month later!) and even enjoyed tasting the paint-which is incredibly sour.

        Koolaid or knock off juice powder, preferably multiple colors
        Thick paper-such as construction paper
        plastic container for each color
        about 1/4 cup of water per color

        Mix water and color well
        Let colors sit for a few minutes to get maximum collor absorption
        Let kids go wild!

Caution: You can see I did this on a table that has grout-it is still stained. Next time I will be putting it on a large sheet of plastic or a trash bag

Subjects: Art, 5 senses, smell, colors, painting, mixing colors

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