Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sorry hun, we can't go outside today-it is full of POISON

Sorry hun, we can't go outside today-it is full of POISON

Today we went to my parent's house. Not just for a nice visit, but because it was poison day.  You read that right, POISON DAY.

What is POISON DAY (big letters because I am being dramatic),  it is the day when our farming neighbors spray their entire field with Glyphosate-or Round Up. (by the makers of DDT!)

Now after last month's article on the dangers of Round Up- - you are probably thinking-well I should not spray that in the cracks of my sidewalk anymore. But trust me-YOU ARE NOT THE PROBLEM. A little here and there is not the problem, the issue is the hundreds of thousands of acres that are being sprayed down with this stuff....and then the genetically engineered seeds that are planted in the poison, which are resistant.

Now, please don't think I blame the farmers. The farmers around here are trying to keep their small farms running and to do that they need to be competitive in the market-which means following this farming practice. I do blame the government-who is putting former Monsanto executives (makers of Glyphosate) in charge of regulatory agencies. I do blame them for protecting Monsanto and creating laws to avoid litigation. I do blame the government for not banning GE seeds and dangerous herbicides-as countries all around the world.

Want more?

If you live in the country-you can roll your eyes now, but I don't let my kids go out when the particles are floating around. I will also make them wear shoes outside for a month or so, and cross your fingers that the garden does not flood again.

Thankfully we have  a wonderful filtration on our well, however, I still worry about exposure, so today we are going to stay inside.

Thanks for reading my rant.

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