Thursday, May 2, 2013

Small Motor Fun (Part 1)

Small Motor Fun (Part 1)
While Ty works on his math and writing in the morning Gavin gets a variety of small motor activities. Here is the first installment of some of them- (sometimes Ty plays too)

Flour Writing (or cornstarch, or whatever)
Baking sheet with flour on it-write with fingers

Beans and rice with white flour
Strainer and measuring spoons to sift with

Wipe container full of stuff
Right now we have sand paper scraps from our sand castle project and fabric scraps in it. He plays with this almost every day. Taking stuff out and putting them back in

2 liter bottle full of stuff
Right now it has popsicle sticks and pipe cleaners in it.

Pipe cleaners and pasta
A little hard for him and he needed some help to get started, but he loved it

Toilet paper roll
Because why not when you steal one

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