Thursday, May 2, 2013

Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons

If you don't own this book, and you have a kid who is learning to read, you need to go buy it

Is it fun? NO
Do I bribe my child to do the activities every day? YES
Is it repetitive? YES
Do I have to do it during the only quiet time of the day I seem to get? YES (seriously, one on one work here with no distractions)
But here is the thing-we are on lesson 8 and he just started sounding out words. Just picked it up. He has started reading.
This book is great. It is phonics based and teaches children how to sound out words. Within a few days he was starting to try to sound out words, now he is picking it up fast. It includes writing as well, which we don't need as much, but I still make him do the writing activities, just not write as much as it says because he does a lot of writing in the morning.


  1. This is the curriculum we teach!! :)

  2. If I was a preschool teacher this it totally the curriculum I would use! Could be difficult in a large classroom environment, but I think it could be adapted for a class of 12.
